Monday, August 15, 2011

All registered!

And it wasn't even that complicated!  Compared to registering at Illinois, at least.  There was only one animal sciences class that was restricted and needed consent but I got that taken care of and I'm good to go!  I'm taking 14 hours, which isn't bad, and everything's going to transfer back.  This is what I'm taking:

ANSC 200 Humans, Animals, and Agriculture (3) (2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to animal agriculture, animal science, and the use of animals by humans. Ethics and importance of human use of animals in agriculture are emphasized. DB

ANSC 446 Genes and Animal Biology (3) An understanding of animal biology at the level of genes and their regulations; emphasis on gene structure, recombinant DNA, transgenic animals and functional genomics being used for agricultural, nutritional and biomedical sciences. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: 301, BIOL 171 or ZOOL 101; or consent.

MICR 130 General Microbiology (3) Role of microorganisms; how they affect people, property, and the environment. A basic survey course covering broad aspects of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and physiology; host-parasite relationships, public health, bacterial, mycotic and viral diseases; epidemiology; ecology of soils and water; environmental pollution; food microbiology; industrial applications at an introductory level. Not open to those with credit in 351 or equivalent. DB

MICR 140L Microbiology Laboratory (2) (2 2-hr Lab) Primarily for students in nursing and dental hygiene. Pre: 130 (or concurrent). DY

HAW 100 Language in Hawai'i: A Survival Kit for Life in Hawai'i (3) Introduction to Hawaiian language and language related issues to enhance communicative experience in Hawai'i, including an examination of place names, pronunciation, common expressions, relation to Pidgin, Polynesian and Asian languages, political issues and intercultural conflict. DS

Now I guess I should drop my classes that I signed up to take at Illinois this fall.  It's starting to sink in that I'm actually leaving and studying in Hawaii.  Holy moses.  Gotta pack!


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